Celimedia and the marketing in Manhattan, NY

At Celimedia we believe that marketing and a good customer service are the keys for the success of any business, including ours. Spending some time with our clients is a pleasant experience that keeps us motivated to keep going. And based on their requests we are...

CeliMedia and the Importance of Marketing

In a world as competitive as we are there are some factors that make the difference and make a company leader over others . The market is what raises the company to the top . It is what sets the search criteria of products that define or re -define needs , developing...

Arensky Lingerie Workshop in NY

It was fun to be in NY this night attending a lingerie workshop sponsored by Arensky, a Brazilian client that Celimedia is introducing to the american market. It was a cocktail for 50 women with a lingerie workshop held by the image consultant Marcia Crivorot. Marcia...