
Marketing at CeliMedia

In a world as competitive as we are there are some factors that make the difference and make a company leader over others . The market is what raises the company to the top . It is what sets the search criteria of products that define or re -define needs , developing mechanisms of cognitive and emotional recognition. And so perceive it or at least do so is so important.

One of the best and most operational tools to have a more accurate perception of the market is the development of a marketing plan , which is crucial to achieve pre – established goals . Thus , the entrepreneur plans the entire product, in order to obtain the best results , better managing resources by better measuring expectations without ever losing sight of the diversity of perceptions, communication processes and cultural paradigms .

The purpose of developing a marketing plan is to be attentive to the market , innovate for the customer , bring people who identify with it . So when our team from CeliMedia draw a marketing plan they believe that it is essential to consider the population or audience to whom the plan is addressed. The same strategy can have excellent results in one place and be a failure in another , because people have different expectations and govern their emotions and behaviors in different patterns.

One goal of the marketing that we practice at CeliMedia is to make the company different because being different is being unique . In fact any company aspires to be the only to offer what consumers want !

However , the market is increasingly demanding and tougher existing forms of marketing and the strategies used ten years ago are now completely outdated . Nowadays it is used increasingly a new type of marketing, advertising directly connected – buzz marketing . This is a type of marketing that uses the own consumers as a means to advertise the product . The idea is to create a rumor or a strong reason to talk, it spreads easily between people . It can be about a company , a brand or on a new media partner, for example, then associated with the mark . This process can happen casually , but nowadays is often caused by marketers . A good example of buzz marketing can be to alter the color of sports equipment for a football team or to change the face of an advertising campaign for a brand of cosmetics or perfume .

But marketing is much more than the targeted sales activity. Marketing begins before the product exists, is present at the stage of creation, transaction , and after the product is sold .

The main objective of companies should always go to please consumers in order to build customer loyalty while meeting the needs of the company and enabling continuous improvement of their production and business processes , a constant interaction . So the marketing has to be present in all areas of the company , in all its departments.

One of the most used types of marketing is the social media. And it is here to stay. From small entrepreneurs to big corporations, social media is being a very efective because of its fast network achievement.

For CeliMedia developing a marketing strategy means create conditions so that the ideas appear and objectives are achieved. Nowadays the companies don’t believe that marketing is a mere service to support the management, marketing is as important as the financial or sales department as its object of activity is customer satisfaction , directly linked to the success of the company .